PUMA Gentleman, the model number is 22 0955. The handles are made from jacaranda. The guarantee control number is 14081. This indicates this knife was hand made in the 1st half of 1980.
This knife measures 5 1/4" overall with a 2 1/8" blade. The front of the hunting blade is etched: 955 PUMA GENLEMAN - NEW STAINLESS SUPER KEEN CUTTING STEEL - HANDMADE GERMANY
The knife features jacaranda wood handles with three brass rivets. The knife includes the "PUMA Proof Mark" on the blade: a small dot or ping on each blade was made with a diamond pointed needle, part of the Rockwell blade quality testing.
This PUMA knife came in the green / yellow box with the PUMA gold tag.
PUMA also made two Limited Edition Gentleman knives with a single blade and a champagne hook. The model numbers are 22 0700 and 28 0730. These knives came in a red leather and velvet lined clamshell box. These two models are extremely rare.
22 0700 > Jacaranda > 44882 > 2nd half of 1988
28 0730 > Stainless > 22881 1st half of 1988.
PUMA Gentleman, the model number is P5014MOP. Sometimes this model is also referred too as a lobster knife. The handles are genuine mother of pearl. Knife is 2 1/2" closed. The knife features a small blade, nail file with screwdriver tip, scissors and keyring.
This knife is like it came from the Puma factory. The cellophane bag is still with the knife in the black factory box. The box utilizes a unique gold foil label. The blades are German 440C stainless steel.
The Puma knife came in the factory black PUMA box.
![P392, P100](