Trapper’s Companion
PUMA Trapper’s Companion, the model number is 6385. PUMA made a right hand model, 6385 and a left hand model, 6386. The left hand model is more rare than the right hand model as PUMA made less of the left hand model. This model is extremely rare as it was only imported to the US for one year.
The knife has stag handles and a mirror polished finger guard. The handle has three brass rivets and a brass lined lanyard hole. The knife came with a tan leather sheath. The knife and sheath came in the wood presentation box when it was first introduced by PUMA. Later on PUMA packaged the knife and sheath in the green and gold box. It is a prized model for PUMA knife collectors.
This knife series was the first knife that PUMA produced with the "New Stainless Super-Keen Cutting Steel". By 1968 PUMA added the etching stainless to the blade.