PUMA Pony, the model number is 41 0620. The handles were made from genuine stag horn / hirschhorn. The guarantee control number is 47772. This indicates the knife was handmade in the 2nd quarter of 1977.
This knife was hand made (Handarbeit") in Solingen Germany as the knife making capitol of the world since 1769. The knife features a two satin finished blade. The knife blade is 3" long and made from PUMA German Stainless Steel. The knife is 3 5/8" long when closed and 6 1/2" long when open.
The front blade tang is stamped: 620 PUMA PONY - NEW STAINLESS SUPER KEEN CUTTING STEEL. The handles are pinned with three brass rivets. The bolsters are German silver.
This is a great example of a high quality vintage PUMA knife. The knife came in the factory green and yellow box with the guarantee control tag.
PUMA made this model with stag, bone, and Micarta handles.