Trail Boss
PUMA Trail Boss, the model number is 975. The guarantee control number is 26182. This indicates the knife was hand made in Solingen, Germany in the 2nd half of 1981.
The knife has nice jacaranda handles with lots of grain character. The blade is German New stainless Super Keen Cutting Steel and the handles are genuine jacaranda with three brass rivets. The bolsters are polished brass.
This PUMA knife came from a collection of PUMA knives that were owned by a PUMA distributor. This knife is like it came from PUMA. The knife has been untouched for 38 years. The box was only opened to take pictures of the knife. It is a stunning example of how PUMA made knives.
A few key facts about this PUMA knife that has been stored for 38 years:
1) The knife is mint / pristine / untouched as it came from PUMA Works.
2) The knife has been stored in a warehouse for the past 38 years and was owned by a PUMA distributor.
3) The knife has the original factory complete packaging as it came from PUMA.
4) The knife comes with the gold PUMA guarantee control tag.
This knife measures 9 3/4" overall with a 4 1/4" blade. The knife is 5 3/8" long when closed. The front of this knife blade is etched: 975 PUMA TRAIL BOSS - NEW STAINLESS SUPER KEEN CUTTING STEEL - HANDMADE GERMANY.
The knife includes the "PUMA Proof Mark" on the blade: a small dot or ping on each blade was made with a diamond pointed needle, part of the Rockwell blade quality testing. It has a 4 1/4" German stainless steel blade and is 9 3/4" overall length. The blade has a full and clear etch.
The PUMA knife came in the factory green / yellow box with the gold guarantee tag. The trail boss is the also largest folding knife with jacaranda handles that PUMA has made.